February 10, 2009

10 Years

In keeping up with my 2009 goal of organizing and scanning my pictures AND in anniversary of 10 years living in this house, I wanted to post a few pictures documenting the construction of our home.

I can't believe we've already been here that long! This is the longest I have ever lived in one place. I was pregnant when we were building (that was a yucky nightmare - I DO NOT recommend it) and I have brought all 4 of my babies home from the hospital to this wonderful home.

I love living here. I love my neighbors and friends. I love the views I have from every room. I love all the wonderful memories my family has made in this home.
I hope we never move.

(me standing in the hole)

(when the foundation was put in)

(Kev did a lot of the work himself. I think he did a fabulous job!)

(Here we are on Christmas Eve 1998. Pretty festive, eh? We did take Christmas day off, and just relaxed and visited with family, though. It was FREEZING - in case you were wondering about the eskimo coat.)


Leslie said...

Wow! Fun memories! Good job keeping up on your goal.

LEX said...

thats so crazy! Memories!

Troy and Mandy said...

I found your blog off the Fales' blog...yay! I love finding friends on here! Wow...I didn't know you guys lived in this home for 10 yrs...CONGRATS!